🇺🇸 I’m a first generation American

I was born in Belgrade, Serbia. When I was about 4 years old my family was granted political asylum in the United States of America. As the daughter to a fashion designer and an engineer, design-thinking is my default perspective.

👁️ I am locked on to culture

As a Gen Z elder, I keep a close eye on pop culture and the way technology is perceived. I look at all problems through a broad sociological lens. ‘Meaning’ constantly changes, so the way we make meaning should evolve too. The products we design do not exist in a vacuum.

👩🏻‍🏫 I used to be a special education teacher

As a teacher, my colleagues and I spend so much of our time trying to peel students off of their cell phones. I came to the realization that we were taking the path of most resistance. No matter their culture, neurodiversity, ability, or personal challenges, our students were already extremely literate and engaged in one common language. That language is technology. 

I found User Experience Research and Design through my drive to improve my students’ experience at school during the Covid-19 pandemic. We needed to think bigger than assigning different worksheets or amending curriculum. I was driven to create an experience that was closer to one they are already effortlessly drawn to.

🎨 I’m adept in visual languages

I grew up in the Southern CA punk scene, designing posters for friends’ bands and collaging zines. In college, I contributed to academic journals as a scientific illustrator. I maintain a personal art practice and show in galleries across California.


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